
Two modern office buildings similar in size and function in Shanghai with typical VAV system are selected as research objects. Four separate spaces facing different directions (South, east, north and west) on one standard office floor in each building are selected to do site measurement on outdoor air flow rates and indoor air quality during typical days of four seasons (Summer, autumn, winter, spring). Computer simulations and calculations are also done on outdoor airflow rates and CO2 concentrations in the 4 testing spaces hour by hour for one year with DeST.

On the other hand, energy consumptions of HVAC system and other systems and the whole building are recorded or estimated month by month for the two buildings. Simulation and calculation are done on energy consumption, energy charge and LCC (life cycle cost) for various cases of the two buildings hour-by-hour for one year with VisualDOE2.5. The simulation cases include different occupancy conditions, different internal load conditions and different HVAC system type. The site recorded data and simulation results as well as typical VAV system (non-conventional system) and conventional system (FCU system, CAV system) are compared and analyzed.

This is a UTRC research project

  • Final Technical Report

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